Dale's One of a Grind Bistro · Tuesday December 5, 2006 by colin newell
Dale and family run a one of a kind bistro – cafe on Oak Bay Avenue.
One of a Grind is one of a kind.
In over 20 years of cruising cafes and bistros from Coast to Coast in this great country, I have seen it all and tasted it all.
Photo left – Former owner of One of a Grind Bistro, Dale Manason… from 4 years ago when he still owned O.O.A.G. Bistro – new owners now.
It takes a special something to create the down-home comfort of the One of a Grind. Dale and daughter (and son too I think…) put in regular shifts here Monday through Saturday on Oak Bay avenue just South of Richmond Avenue… technically still in Victoria proper.
The transition to Oak Bay takes place at, get this, the corner of Oak Bay Avenue and Foul Bay road.
Foul Bay road… now there is another storey.
Ok, once again, I digress.
Dale Manason and Co. run the One of a Grind Bistro with a basic and fresh is good approach. And it works.
Everything they serve is made pretty much the moment you ask for it. And that is good where I am coming from.
My memories flip back to another era. An era where places like Ian’s Diner (Richmond and Fort) served up greasy burgers and muddy-thick coffee. Ah.
Dale and Co. at One of a Grind Bistro go retro with the coffee prep. He uses an old-style Gaggia Lever espresso machine – and in my opinion, with the right beans, this method is one of the best.
Anyway. Head on down to One of a Grind. And tell ‘em Colin sent you.
Foot note: Dale sold the One of a Grind Bistro about 4 years ago. It is in new hands and I have not been by in a long time. Perhaps a look is in order.

Something with a nutty, coffee twist
Hi Collin, I’s been a while since I’ve spoken to you so I’ll keep it short. WE sold the business end of October of 2008. Just got tired of 5:30 mornings. Thanks for all of you positive response to our little shop. It’s still running under the same name but that’s where all similarity stops.
Dale Manason
— Dale Manason May 29, 02:58 pm #
wink – I hear you. There is a lot of potential there – but it takes the right kind of person to make a cafe a smashing success.
— colin May 29, 04:33 pm #
Hi Colin, don’t know if you are still updating this page but I would kinda like it if you removed my name & Photo from the One of a Grind blurb, as I haven’t been involved for over two years now.I would really appreciate it.
Thanks Dale
— Dale Manason Nov 7, 12:53 pm #
yes – this blog entry is 4 years old – and yes I update it. Your comment will acknowledge that you are no longer associated with ONE OF A GRIND Bistro. I do not delete these stories because of ownership change – but your footnotes are here to stay. Thanks Dale – I hope all is well with you.
— colin Nov 7, 01:37 pm #