COVID 19 Chapter 2 - A science look at what it is and what it is not · Friday March 27, 2020 by colin newell
Some interesting COVID 19 and Virus stuff gathered from a few sources.
- The virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule (DNA) covered by a protective layer of lipids (fats) which, if absorbed by the cells of the (eye)ocular, (nose)nasal or mouth mucosa, changes their genetic code.
Mutation converts them into multiplier and attack cells.
- Since the virus is not a living organism but a protein molecule, it cannot be killed, but decays on its own.
The disintegration time depends on the temperature, humidity and the type of material in which it is found.
- The virus is very fragile. The only thing that protects it is a thin outer layer of fat.
Soap or detergent is the best weapon, because the foaming action and alkalinity of soap breaks down the fat layer.
By dissolving the fat layer, the protein molecule disperses and breaks down on its own.
- Heat melts the protective layer. Use hot water above 25 degrees to wash your hands and clothes. In addition, soap and hot water produces more foam making it even more effective.
- Alcohol or any mixture with alcohol content greater than 65% dissolves the fat layer of the virus.
- Any mixture with 1 part of bleach and 5 parts of water directly dissolves the protein.
- Pure Hydrogen peroxide is very effective but only in its pure form but it’s hard on your skin.
- Don’t shake used or unused clothing, sheets or clothing. It can attach to porous surfaces.
Lifetime – 3 hours (fabric and porous), 4 hours on wood, because it removes all moisture and does not let it detach and disintegrates, 24 hours (cardboard), 42 hours (metal) and 72 hours (plastic).
Active virus molecules can float in the air for up to 3 hours.
- Viral molecules remain very stable in air conditioned homes and cars. They also need moisture and darkness to remain stable. Dehumidified, warm and bright environments will degrade it more quickly.
- Ultraviolet light breaks down the virus protein.
- The virus cannot go through healthy skin. If you wash your hands regularly, rubber or cloth gloves may be little to no value.
- Vinegar is not useful because it does not break the protective layer of fat.
- Any agents, like mouthwash, which can be 65% alcohol can be an effective weapon against the virus.
- In limited spaces, the virus can concentrate. More ventilation and fresh air is better for slowing down the spread.
- Wash your hands after coming in contact all the obvious things like door knobs, car doors, door handles, etc
- Avoid touching your face. It is human nature to touch ones face and this is the leading cause of transmission and propagation of the virus!
- Moisturize! Wash your hands a lot, because molecules can hide in micro wrinkles or cuts. The denser the moisturizer, the better.
- Keep your nails short so that the virus doesn’t hide there.
These are all good suggestions and there are likely more. Bottom line: A little knowledge goes a long way!
COVID 19 spoken word thingie
COVID-19-Audio-Primer.mp3 Download

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